Tonnes of carbon measured across participating businesses
Average carbon savings identified per business
Qualified trainees are developed per year through our partnership with We Are Grow
Face-to-face engagement with businesses
Sustainability audits with tailored action plan
Grant Scheme with a simple, well-structured interface
Launch event with details of grant
Hybrid events with sustainability specific guest speakers
Output and outcome reporting
Case studies
For further information about our programmes
Contact usWorking with our digital inclusion partner Age UK supporting citizens over the age of 55 within Barnet.
Laptops were provided to Age UK Barnet to support their IT sessions, helping older individuals learn to use computers. These sessions include improving communication with family and friends, accessing the convenience of online shopping, managing energy bills and benefits, and exploring digital entertainment like movies, books, and music, along with other computer support tailored to individual needs.
Maureen, a new client – 74, lives with her partner, wanted to apply for pension credit so she could still get the winter fuel allowance. She had a small old iPhone but was so happy that she could use a new laptop and complete this form herself with help from one of our volunteers in just 20 minutes.
Isabelle, pictured right – 72, lives alone, came to a Monday afternoon session and used one of the new laptops as she wanted to learn how to search on Google. She was so grateful and happy when she left and said ‘you have made my day’.